Mar 25, 2025 06:14 PM IST
REET 2024 answer key for Level 1 and 2 has been released. The download link is given here.
The Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education has released the REET 2024 answer key. The Rajasthan Eligibility Examination for Teacher provisional answer key has been released for Level 1 and 2. Candidates who have appeared for the written examination can check the answer key on the official website of RBSE REET at

Along with releasing the answer key, the objection window has also opened. Candidates who want to raise objections against the provisional answer key can do it till March 31, 2025. The link to raise objections will remain active till 12 pm on March 31.
Candidates will have to pay a prescribed fee of ₹300/- per question online along with the proof of the answer they are submitting. Objections will be accepted online only, objections submitted offline and without proof will not be considered.
To raise objections, candidates will have to upload the question number, name of the author, the name of the publisher, the edition of the book in a clear and readable JPEG format), the page of the book in which the answer is written according to the candidate (underlining the answer and in JPEG format with the page number). After that, the candidate has to mark the answer of the relevant question from the provisional answer sheet issued by the REET office. After that, the candidate has to enter what is considered to be the correct answer.
REET 2024 answer key for Level 1 and 2: How to download
Candidates can download the provisional answer key through the simple steps given below.
1. Visit the official website of RBSE REET at
2. Click on REET 2024 answer key for Level 1 and 2 links available on the home page.
3. A new page will open where candidates will have to check the answers.
4. Download the page and keep a hard copy of the same for further need.
The exam was held on February 27 in two shifts: the first shift from 10 am to 12.30 pm and the second shift from 3 pm to 5.30 pm. The examination was conducted at two levels: level 1 for primary teachers and level 2 for secondary teacher posts. Depending on their eligibility, candidates were allowed to appear for level 1, 2 or both. For more related details candidates can check the official website of RBSE.
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