DTCP likely to revoke occupancy certificates of 745 houses in DLF phases 1, 2, 3- Dilli Dehat se

Mar 24, 2025 07:02 AM IST

Haryana’s DTCP recommends revoking occupancy certificates of 745 DLF houses for building norm violations, following a high court directive.

The Haryana department of town and country planning (DTCP) has recommended that occupancy certificates of 745 houses in DLF phases one, two and three should be revoked for violating building norms and running illegal commercial operations, following the directions of the Punjab and Haryana high court, officials said on Sunday.

DTCP likely to revoke occupancy certificates of 745 houses in DLF phases 1, 2, 3
DTCP likely to revoke occupancy certificates of 745 houses in DLF phases 1, 2, 3

DTCP’s enforcement wing said it has written to the planning wing after issuing show cause and restoration notices to owners of these properties for not taking corrective measures or removing violations. The department said that the homeowners’ violations are not compoundable — meaning charges will not be dropped upon paying a penalty.

“The department has recommended that occupancy certificates should be revoked as plot owners have not taken remedial measures despite show cause notices and restoration orders, and violations still exist. Civic amenities — electricity, water, sewage — will be disconnected in the next course of action as violations are not compoundable,” said Amit Madholia, district town planner, enforcement.

DTCP officials said that they have recommended that OC of 43 plots in DLF phase one, 57 plots in DLF phase and 645 plots in DLF phase three should be cancelled.

Madholia said that the department had conducted a survey of 15,000 houses in DLF phases one to five under the directions of the Punjab and Haryana high court and found violations in 4,500 houses. “We previously issued notices to the property owners and completed all legal formalities. Now action is being taken on the ground,” said a DTCP official.

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