TSPSC group 1 result out, steps to check TGPSC results at tgpsc.gov.in- Dilli Dehat se

TSPSC Group 1 Results 2025: The Telangana Public Service Commission (TSPSC or TGPSC) on March 10, 2025, announced the result of the group 1 services recruitment exam at tspsc.gov.in. TSPSC group 1 result 2025 live updates.

TSPSC group 1 result 2025: Check the steps to download the TGPSC results at tgpsc.gov.in. (Representative image)
TSPSC group 1 result 2025: Check the steps to download the TGPSC results at tgpsc.gov.in. (Representative image)

The group 1 mains exam was held from October 21 to October 21, between 2 pm and 5 pm on all days. There were seven descriptive papers in the mains examination.

Also read: TSPSC Group 1 Results 2025 released at tspsc.gov.in, download via direct link

After clearing the preliminary examination, 31,382 candidates became eligible for the mains examination.

How to check TSPSC group 1 result 2025

Go to the official website, tspsc.gov.in.

Open the main website link displayed on the home page and then the results, key and OMR download link.

Open the results or marks memo download page, as required.

Select the exam name.

Provide your credentials and submit.

Check and download the result.

TSPSC is conducting this recruitment drive to fill 563 group 1 vacancies in the state.

TSPSC Group 1 results 2025: Commission’s policy for resolving ties

As per the TSPSC police, if two or more candidates secured the same marks in the Main Examination (Conventional Type), then local candidates were given preference. If the tie remained, then the dates of birth of the candidates were taken into consideration, meaning the elder candidate got the higher rank.

If the tie remained even after this, then the ranks were awarded based on the higher marks in paper 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 will be given priority until the ties were resolved.

In a situation when the ties remained despite these steps, the commission considered the date of passing the required qualifying examination, followed by the percentage of marks in the qualifying examination, the candidate with a higher qualification, the date of obtaining the higher qualification and the percentage of marks obtained in the higher qualification until the ties were resolved.

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